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Radio Survivor #237 - 3 May 2022 - Industrial Music Systems and Workplace Broadcasts


On this week’s program, we turn our attention to the history of industrial music - not the noisy music genre - but music played in industrial settings for workers.

On this week’s program, we turn our attention to the history of industrial music - not the noisy music genre - but music played in industrial settings for workers. A variety of services offered (and still offer) background music for workplaces. Muzak and the RCA Plant Broadcasting System are just a few of the products that were sold to companies in the hopes of increasing morale and/or efficiency. Our guest, Alix Hui is associate professor of History at Mississippi State University and has been studying the history of industrial music systems, as well as background music generally.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 56 MB - Duration: 59:00m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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